Become a Black Rock Ranger

Ranger Applications are Now Open for 2025!

The Ranger Application Window is now open and will remain open until April 30 or until we receive the maximum number of applications we can process this year. To start the process, please go to Burning Man Project Volunteer Questionnaire. Select “Rangers” from the list of available teams!

Requirements and QualificationsApplication ProcessApplication FAQAlpha Shift ProcessAlpha Shift FAQSelf-Quiz

Requirements and Qualifications

In order to apply to volunteer with the Black Rock Rangers, you must:

  • Be at least 18 years old, and
  • Have attended Burning Man at least once in the last ten events

Don’t meet the qualifications or are just Ranger curious this year? Consider auditing a Ranger In-Person Training.

Requirements and QualificationsApplication ProcessApplication FAQAlpha Shift ProcessAlpha Shift FAQSelf-Quiz

Ranger Application Process


Submit Application: spring 2025

During the open application period (Starting in the spring) fill out the Burning Man Project Volunteer Questionnaire. Select “Rangers” from the list of available teams.

You will need to provide five options for radio handles. Review the Ranger Handle Guidelines for help in choosing your five.

Due to the high interest in volunteering with the Black Rock Rangers, we may be unable to accommodate all applications.


Set up Clubhouse account: Spring

Once your application is processed, we will create an account for you in the Ranger Clubhouse (our web-based scheduling tool). Please be patient, as this could take a week or more; once it’s done, we’ll send you an invite.

After your Clubhouse account is created, you must complete two steps before taking the Online Course.

1) Confirm that your personal information is correct.

2) Upload a photo and have that photo approved.


Train to be a ranger: Spring – Summer

Every Ranger must take an Online Course and In-Person Training every year. First, read the Ranger Manual, then take the Online Course. This is available in the Clubhouse. After completing the Online Course, you’ll be prompted to sign up in the Clubhouse for In-Person Training. The Online Course must be taken before signing up for the In-Person Training. The training season typically begins in May.


attend your alpha shift: on playa

After you complete the In-Person Training or July 15 (whichever is later), you will receive an email informing you when Alpha Shifts will become available for signup. Make sure you sign up in the Clubhouse to reserve your slot.

You’ll attend your day-long Alpha shift on-playa. Shifts are available Saturday pre-event through Tuesday of the event. This is where you will be evaluated by Mentors. You’ll be Rangering in the city, just like a regular Black Rock Ranger. At the conclusion, we’ll let you know how you did.

Requirements and QualificationsApplication ProcessApplication FAQAlpha Shift ProcessAlpha Shift FAQSelf-Quiz

Frequently Asked Questions

Navigating the Black Rock Ranger Application Process

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Black Rock Ranger! Do you have questions about the process? Check here for answers to help you navigate the process.

During the open application period (March 1 – April 30) fill out the Burning Man Project Volunteer Questionnaire. Select “Ranger” from the list of available teams.

No earlier than March 16. Emails will be sent to all applicants letting them know if they were accepted. Due to the high interest in volunteering with the Black Rock Rangers, we may be unable to accommodate all applications. We encourage folks to apply as soon as the application window is open.

As part of the Volunteer application, you will provide five options for radio handles. Review the Ranger Handle Guidelines for help in choosing your five. If none of your choices work out, we will ask you to submit five more options until we find one that works.

If your application is accepted, you will select a radio handle. Once it is approved, we will create an account for you in the Ranger Clubhouse (our web-based scheduling tool). Please be patient, as this could take a week or more; once it’s done, we’ll send you an email invite.

Every Ranger must take an Online Course and In-Person Training every year. The Online Course is available through the Clubhouse and must be taken before signing up to take the In-Person Training.

Locations and dates for the In-Person Training will be available in the Clubhouse. Please sign up by June 15th. Drop-ins are not allowed. Applicants and Rangers with only one year volunteering on-playa will take a full day of training.

The Wednesday after your in-person training, or July 15 (whichever is later), you will receive an email informing you when Alpha Shifts will become available for signup. Alpha Shifts are conducted Saturday pre-event through Tuesday of the event. Make sure you sign up in the Clubhouse to reserve your slot. If you wait too long to sign up, your preferred slot might get taken, so don’t wait.

If you’ve passed your Alpha Shift—congratulations! You have graduated to Dirt Ranger – Shiny Penny. You can now sign up for shifts at the HQ window. We really need Rangers on Burn Perimeters every year, so if you are able, please sign up for at least one Burn Perimeter shift.

Requirements and QualificationsApplication ProcessApplication FAQAlpha Shift ProcessAlpha Shift FAQSelf-Quiz

Alpha Shift Process

On-playa Alpha Shifts are conducted Saturday through Tuesday of the event. One purpose of the shift is to see whether Rangering is a good fit for you, and whether you’re a good fit for Rangering. Be prepared to show your Ranger skills.

A male and female Black Rock Ranger sitting on steps with a toddler between them.

Part One

Your first couple of hours will involve getting checked in, radio training, and an in-depth discussion of the Ranger approach and mindset. 

Part Two

For approximately 6 hours you will participate in a modified Ranger shift in the city, interacting with three different Mentors. There will be shade time for breaks and discussions. This segment is designed for Mentors to get an idea of how Alphas interact with each other and with participants. They will also be seeing how you orient and handle yourself in Black Rock City.

During this time you will have the opportunity to hone and modify what you learned during training and the early part of the day. This is also an opportunity for you to practice applying Ranger skills in real time.

Part Three

After your time in the dirt, your Mentors will meet as a team to discuss. They will re-emerge after about an hour to inform you if you passed or not.

Possible Outcomes

After your Alpha Shift, you will be told one of three possible outcomes. Regardless of the outcome of your Alpha Shift, we really appreciate that you came out and gave Rangering a try!

Over the course of your Alpha Shift you realize that volunteering as a Ranger is not how you want to spend your time at Burning Man. You can decide at ANY TIME during the shift.

You are invited to join the Rangers. You may receive some advice from your Mentors to work on during your Ranger shifts.

Your Mentors do not feel that you are a good fit for the Rangers, either for this year or in general. Your mentors will explain what led them to this decision.

Requirements and QualificationsApplication ProcessApplication FAQAlpha Shift ProcessAlpha Shift FAQSelf-Quiz

Frequently Asked Questions

Alpha Shifts

Curious about what to expect on your Alpha Shift? Read through our FAQ to come prepared to pass!

On-playa Alpha Shifts are conducted Saturday through Tuesday of the event. Please don’t schedule your Alpha Shift for immediately after arriving on the playa. Do try to complete it as early in the week as possible.

Alpha Shifts are not offered prior to Saturday or after Tuesday.

No. Alphas must pre-register in the Ranger Clubhouse scheduling system for their Alpha Shift, and come on time to their Alpha Shift, or risk losing their Alpha status. Alphas may not “walk on” to shifts they are not scheduled for.

Alpha Shifts start promptly at the designated time. Please be on time to sign in at the Hat Rack located at Ranger HQ, 5:45 and Esplanade. Alphas who are late may not be included in the day.

Bring everything you need to be self-reliant for a very long day, including layered clothing (especially for the swing shift), comfortable shoes, hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, lunch, snacks, water bottle (water refills available at Ranger HQ and the Outposts), and most importantly, a pen/pencil and small pocket-sized memo-pad of paper. The Rangers will only provide you with a radio and a vest that identifies you as an Alpha.

The entire on-playa mentoring process takes about 10 hours. 

Mobility devices and other considerations may be used on Alpha Shifts, if the Mentors agree that the device or consideration won’t adversely impact the Alpha Shift. If an Alpha provides their own conveyance, they must also provide whatever permits are needed to operate it.

Some of the skills your Mentors will expect you to be able to demonstrate include:

  • Partnering skills
  • Radio skills
  • Situational awareness
  • Preparedness
  • Do you know where you are in Black Rock City (BRC) at all times?
  • Engagement with participants in BRC
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Communication
  • Stamina – can you complete a full shift, and take care of yourself and your partner?
  • Basic Ranger/Burner knowledge
  • Are you having fun?
  • Are you applying Actionable Feedback?

Your Mentors will determine if you’re a good fit for Rangering. They are also coaches who want you to succeed. With their guidance, you’ll determine if you have weak points or areas needing improvement. Be ready to express what you’ve learned in training, and showcase your Ranger skills. They’ll offer suggestions, and help you smooth over the rough edges.

This is a rare experience to learn from three seasoned Rangers, and gain hands-on experience in the field. Take advantage and ask your Mentors for pointers and tips on how you can improve your skills, or how a particular interaction could have been done differently.

Your Mentors will give you actionable feedback throughout the day and look for you to be incorporating that feedback.

If you pass, please stick around: you will be issued your Ranger shirt and hat and can sign up for shifts at the Ranger HQ window or at the computer kiosks. You are also encouraged to attend the Rebar Ceremony on Sunday of Temple burn, during which the new Rangers are welcomed into the Ranger community.

If you did not pass, your Mentors will explain to you why they made the decision that this wasn’t your year to join the Rangers. Remember that Mentors are instructed not to pass someone unless they are absolutely sure they’re a good fit and are ready to Ranger immediately. Feel free to ask them questions about your experience. Think about what your Mentors cited as reasons for being bonked, and consider trying again next year. Finally, enjoy your time in Black Rock City! There are lots of ways to volunteer and participate, and we hope that going to a Ranger training and walking with a Mentor will add to those experiences.

If you have not passed your Alpha Shift twice in back-to-back years and have been advised to receive additional training or experience on playa before trying again, you must take a year off before re-applying to join the Rangers. Go enjoy being a Burner for a bit (it’s fun out there!) or explore other volunteer opportunities. If, after taking a year off, you return and do not pass the Alpha Shift again, you will need to take yet another year off before making further attempts to join the Black Rock Rangers.

Ranger Self-Quiz

Are you a good fit for the Rangers and is Rangering a good fit for you?

Rangering may be a good choice if you answer “yes” to these questions

  • Do you enjoy helping people while strolling the city, checking out art, and interacting with other participants?
  • Are you looking for a reason to engage with diverse aspects of our community?
  • Are you the person that your camp or your friends turn to when in need?
  • Do you want to contribute more to the well-being of the community?
  • Would your friends describe you as responsible and reliable?
  • Are you at your best when dealing with the unexpected?

Rangering probably isn’t for you if you answer “yes” to these questions

  • Do you have to ask where the Portapotties or the Temple are located?
  • Do you like telling people what to do?
  • Do you think Burning Man needs more control?
  • Do you believe that respect comes from a uniform or other trappings of authority?
  • Do you find it hard to be sober at Burning Man for more than eight hours?
  • Do you have a put-down ready for any situation?

Still have questions?

Reach out directly to our Volunteer Coordinators.